
Review of The Long Walk by Stephen King


 4 and half stars

Synopsis: 

Hook: 







The Long Walk starts out a story of a group of boys entering a contest. Each one must out walk the others and keep on walking till only one remains. That last walker gets his hearts desire, any wish is fulfilled. Doesn’t sound like Stephen King does it? Lol He always has a twist, something to blast your mind and your thoughts wrap around his storyline like a boa squeezing its prey. In a regular contest if you couldn’t walk any farther you just bow out. In the long walk if the boys slow down too much they get a warning, if they get three warnings the soldiers following the group raise their rifles until the forth, there is no warning. You buy a ticket. Yes you heard me right you buy a ticket, the soldiers pull the trigger and the walker dies. Only one walker makes it to the end the rest die.

Now before you brow beat me you learn that almost immediately in the book. Now I can walk a long way, I think most of us can, but not without resting or stretching.  The soldiers give you a warning every thirty seconds so there is no resting. You have to keep a steady pace which the soldiers monitor also, if you slow down too much you get a warning. How long could you walk if you couldn’t stop to rest or even slow down. The fear of death is a good motivator, you would keep on walking because you had to. The story turns to the lives of several walkers and their struggles through the walk. Some form friendships and have their little groups and others are loners. Stephen King digs deep into their emotions along the way, emotions and thoughts like “Why did I do this?” The contestants are not forced to enter, each one has to pass a physical and a mental evaluation. If they get picked, it was because they wanted to be in the race, so why did they enter? That is the storyline, why. What would drive you to enter a contest that only one person would survive. Money? Fame?

The story progresses, diving into their lives before the race and through the race. Dealing with the people around them getting shot on a regular basis, which only heightens the fear of their own death. Its a long walk through life in a short span of time. I work in a nursing home and I see the end of peoples lives. They way he describes some of the people turning into mindless walking zombies, walking on will alone. Their faces become blank and lifeless, their eyes stare off into nothingness. It creeped me out because the way he described it reminded me of the despair I see in the elderly. Some of them stare right through you as if they can see into the beyond.

I gave this book 4 1/2 stars, it would have been 5 but I think the end could have been different. Not better because I understand why he ended it the way he did, IMO the end should have been a bit longer and in more detail. As in most Stephen King books he ends it this way. It usually bugs me but he is still my favorite writer and I have become accustomed to it.

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August is halfway done!



August is over halfway done. Woohoo! I am still looking at April for publishing but it could take till May. I am really excited about this book and hope everyone enjoys reading it.

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Meeting Evil Review




Gotta love Samuel L Jackson! Even though this movie was a bit B ish it was still a good movie. I love the way Samuel L Jackson could look just plain evil. I mean creepy evil, it was as if he was looking right through you. What would you do if someone wouldn’t leave you alone?

Spoiler: Sam takes an unsuspecting good guy on a hell ride. Everywhere he goes someone dies horribly. He has no remorse or fear, he just kills.  Its a simple storyline but effective. I really liked it.

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The Long Walk by Stephen King


The Long Walk will be my next review. Check back to see updates and as always…thanks for coming. 🙂

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Hollowland Review



Synopsis: 

Hook: 




Comments: I really enjoyed Hollowland. I like the alternative zombie story, they are infected with a rabies type virus. I like the stories that come as close as possible to something that could really happen. I bonded with some of the characters and others kinda fell flat. Overall I would recommend reading this book IMO it is a good read.

Spoiler alert: Okay this book is about Remy a young girl thrown into a world of flesh eating zombies. She is in a quarantine area when it is over run. She goes across the US in search of her brother and picks up some stragglers. She is forced by situation to become the leader of their group and their protector. Her only thought is to make it to her brother which was taken to another quarantine to the north. She also finds a lion which the group adopts as their zombie eating mascot. They have to fight, kill and survive long enough to make it there. Remy doesn’t want to be the groups protector and tries to leave them later in the book. She’s only a 19 yr old girl and has to act like an adult/soldier/leader. In a screwed up would where law no longer exists everyone has to grow up quick. At the end they make it to the next quarantine area and she is able to briefly be a young girl and falls in love. It’s short lived, only 1 night, before she goes to save her brother and in return becomes a prisoner herself.

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The next book I will review is Hollowland by Amanda Hocking. I like the post apocalyptic novels and I like the way she makes the zombies as infected instead of walking dead. I had the same idea bet never wrote about it. I have also discovered audio books, if your like me and can’t read for very long because it bothers your eyes then they are for you. I just got a subscription for 1 book a month, but no indie yet. Follow to get updates on new reviews and thanks for all the comments.

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Revolution Season Finale



Hello to all the watchers of Revolution. Season finale was great and left me wanting more. I thought this show was going to be a Jericho clone, but they happily proved me wrong. I love post apocalyptic shows and movies, the struggle to survive and the animal instincts we revert to is mind boggling. So my favorite 2 shows is of course Revolution and The Walking Dead. Okay back to the show…how hard would it be to kill your best friend? They were like brothers and in the beginning Monroe was the good guy. He even tried to stop Miles from killing the thugs. He went from a good guy to stone cold killer. Miles turned from an unfeeling murder machine to a good guy. Its a good script and I love the cast. New season starts next year, I’ll be there.

Okay question time…

What would you do when confronting your enemy and he is also your best friend?

Please leave a comment I would love to hear everyone’s thoughts.

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Revolution (I’m Hooked)


Hello to all the Revolution lovers. Last night wowed me and I can’t wait for next weeks episode. Now that I know the blackout was a weapon and then last night a working factory. Oh yea I want to know! Was it government related or did the crazy head of U.S. defense alone, try to wipe out most of the human race. I will just have to wait……………………Nooooooooo.

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Prometheus (Movie Review)




Spoiler Alert!    If you haven’t watched it yet and want to, don’t read this post


Okay the movie is about the origins of the human race. Where we came from and possibly who we came from. It starts off with the archeologists finding an ancient map that tells them where to find the makers or what they call the engineers.  It takes them to a solar system far from earth where they discover a huge humanoid race that has died. They find out that their DNA matches our own so in fact, they are our makers. Anyway these humanoids made bio weapons that are to be released on earth to kill off our race. Makes you feel all warm and cozy don’t it lol. They find one still alive near the end and he still wants to kill us. The humans stop him from taking his ship to earth and at the end (BIG Spoiler Alert!!!) one of the biological creatures made to destroy earth impregnates the humanoid. At the end of the show out pops an alien (From the movie Aliens)

Comments: Okay I  liked this movie, but I didn’t love it. I really liked the search for the maker theme. The age old question, are we alone in the universe? I liked how they presented it and the visual effects of the movie. I think they left unanswered questions so they could make another movie. IMO they should have answered the main question WHY, why did our makers want us dead. Were we a failed experiment? We we to warlike or self destructive? The lead female character goes to find out at the end. Good movie, but it could have been better.

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New Books for Review

I will be taking on less projects right now as some of you have already seen. My book is consuming a great deal of my time so I will only be taking on a book review if I really love the synopsis. If you can grab my attention and make me want to read it then I will do a review. I’m not trying to be an ass or rude, but if you have written a book then you know how much it consumes you. I will try to get on here and do more reviews (probably mostly TV and movie right now)

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